Show your website some love

16th May 2017

Just lately I’ve been making some changes to my website. I’ve lost count of how many updates I’ve made over the years and even for someone who does this for a living it’s hard work.

It’s easy to think that once your website goes live the work is done but your website going live is really just the beginning.

As well as making sure your website still looks good and contains quality content there are all the tricky behind the scenes tasks like backing up all of your precious content, keeping an eye on Google’s search updates and dealing with any technical issues.

Protecting your investment

All this can get a bit overwhelming and sometimes the temptation is to do nothing and just leave your website working away in the background doing its thing, but keeping your site fresh and up-to-date on an regular basis is a cost effective way of protecting your initial investment.

Some businesses let their websites collect dust for years and then end up starting again. A little tender loving care on a regular basis can keep your website relevant and an asset to your business saving you all the time, money and work involved in a potential site redesign.

Improving your website

The website maintenance plans I offer cover off a lot of the challenging behind-the-scenes tasks and they also include a set period of time each month to make improvements to your website.

You could use that time for content updates, search engine optimisation or improvements to the way the site works. In fact you could use it for anything we identify as a priority.

So If you feel like your website is in need of some tender loving care and you need someone to take care of it for you get in touch.

Let’s work together on a design project

I love to work with businesses who have a positive impact on the world and see the value of great design. If you need some help with a web design or branding project I’d love to hear from you.

Get in touch